Beginning again

It is almost time for NaPoWriMo – National Poetry Writing Month! This will be my 6th year of participation. I am definitely going in feeling at a low ebb for creativity. But I am hoping to take inspiration from all the emotions that are going on in my mind and also the collective world. There is so much out there right now, that it is hard to fully wrap my head around where I want to land. As always I will take what comes at me for that particular day.

For now – here is something

Is the past just a fiction?
A folly just to be glared at?
What should be taken and learned?
Or nothing at all …. Ignored.

The days drag on and no voice
The time has gone backwards
The little seeds of anarchy are spread
But will they sprout?

The cold icy ground where they land
I pray Spring does not come.
And they shrivel and die.